Informative meeting with Municipal Representatives of 5 beneficiary Municipalities of Project INTEGRA

Informative meeting with Municipal Representatives of 5 beneficiary Municipalities of Project INTEGRA

During this week the informative meeting was held with the Municipal Officials for Communities and Return / Integration, of the 5 beneficiary Municipalities within the INTEGRA Project.

The purpose of the meeting was the general presentation of the main objectives of the INTEGRA Project, the implementation of the previous activities and the cooperation with the Partner Municipalities.

The participants in the meeting had the opportunity to discuss the role of the municipalities in the implementation of the project and the coordination of various activities, as well as the readiness of these municipalities for cooperation and co-financing.

In cooperation with these municipal officials, designated by the partner municipalities as responsible for the implementation of various project activities, the dates for the Information Days of the Grant Scheme “Supporting Repatriated Women and Youngsters in the establishment of individual businesses” were also agreed upon.