Lipjani Municipality on Project Integra

The Municipality of Lipjan, in cooperation with the representatives of the Project Integra, held an information session in the hall of the Municipal Assembly, call for grants that will be allocated within this project, where all the phases and application process of the project were presented in detail.
The Deputy Mayor of the Municipality of Lipjan, Diamant Bytyqi, said that he is honored that this project is being implemented in our municipality, stressing that this project and other projects of this nature will always find the support of the municipality.
“I am glad to see this hall full today, which means that there is great interest in being a beneficiary of this project. As we know the start of any business is difficult, therefore any help that comes in this initial stage is welcome for everyone. Through this project, several business ideas will be supported which will generate income for families and will affect the improvement of their standard of living” said Vice President Bytyqi, wishing success to all those who will be beneficiaries of grants from this project.
Project “Integra” is financed by the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development – BMZ and is being implemented by the Foundation for Sustainable Economic Development – PREDA Plus Kosovo in partnership with the Municipality of Lipjan, WEntrepreneur Kosovo and with the support of the Arbeiter Samariter Bund – ASB.