About Project Integra

Project Introduction
“Fostering sustainable local reintegration of women and youth returnees and local vulnerable people in Kosovo” also known as INTEGRA is a project funded through “Perspektive Heimat” or “Perspective Homeland” which aims to support returnees and local vulnerable population, to make a fresh start in their country of origin. The project is funded by German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development – BMZ and is being implemented by Foundation for Sustainable Economic Development – PREDA Plus Kosovo in partnership Wentrepreneur Kosovo and with the support of Arbeiter Samariter Bund – ASB.
The Project has started on December 1, 2022 and will be implemented until August 31, 2025.
INTEGRA aims at social and economic integration in the home country, of returnees as well as groups at risk who will get a perspective to stay, through capacity building, employment and self-employment, which will enable them to generate income for their families and build their life in Kosovo. Such an action is important from the social integration perspective as well as from the perspective of international sensitivity regarding migration issues.
The Project will be implemented in 11 beneficiary municipalities:
- Drenas
- Malisheva
- Gracanica
- South Mitrovica
- Istog
- Prizren
- Klina
- Rahovec
- Lipjan
- Suhareka
- Vushtrri
INTEGRA directly targets 563 individuals: women returnees, returned youth and persons from groups at risk who will get a perspective to stay, but also municipal and central government officials. In addition, whenever possible, the project will ensure engagement and cooperation of respective communities.
It has 5 main components which are interlinked in order to ensure the achievement of project objective:
Component 1. Strengthening capacities and exchange of experience between 35 municipal and central government representatives
This activity presents an important part of the project as it builds/increases the skills of municipal and central government officials and provides them with an opportunity to share their experience on regular work with returnees and their most pressing needs. They will join the Project Team in designing the Grant Schemes for returnees but also participate in monitoring visits. This will help them in the future, to launch and/or manage other such schemes, funded by Kosovo Government or respective municipalities.
Component 2. Building the skills of 120 returnees and persons from groups at risk on Business Planning and Business Management and provision of material/capital goods for 100 new businesses
Beneficiaries of this activity are mainly women and youth returnees, but also groups at risk, interested to establish their own business. Support in the form of equipment will be offered to individuals who come with innovative ideas; cover deficient sectors in the local market, or offer services and products that replace those being imported and those that are eco-friendly. Examples of types of business ideas to be supported, are:: designers, IT specialists, Web developers, organic food cultivators, food processors etc.
This component will be organized in 2 separate Calls.
Component 3. Provision of competencies and re-qualification of 50 selected beneficiaries through Vocational Education Training
The lack of specific vocations in Kosovo is becoming very evident. To address this problem, the Project plans to identify individuals that are interested to fill these gaps but also to generate a steady income.
The Project aims to attract individuals that are interested to qualify for deficient sectors but also for those who wish to re-qualify and master a new set of skills.
This component will be organized in 2 separate Calls.
Component 4. Provision of facilitated employment opportunities in selected existing companies for 60 beneficiaries
Through this activity, the Project aims to provide solid employment to 60 mainly women returnees and youngsters, in industries which need them most. Their engagement may be with a single employer or multiple outfits. Education subject will depend on the type of activity implemented.
The Project will offer to the employers, support in form of equipment and goods, for each beneficiary hired. This component will be organized in 2 separate Calls.
Component 5. Establishment of 5 Community Engagement Centers (CEC)
Project aims to support communities in which returnees and groups at risk in Kosovo reside. To accommodate the needs of its targeted groups, the project will establish Community Engagement Centers (CEC), in 5 different municipalities. CECs present a hub for reflection and education, in which women identify the subjects of their choice and participate in regularly-scheduled community engagement. CECs will serve as a safe-space for women to discuss various topics including those that otherwise they would not feel comfortable discussing due to cultural sensitivity. CECs will host workshops, social gatherings and other events in order to promote and champion active citizenship through collaboration and interaction with the community.
Establishment of such Centers is subject to a competitive process between all beneficiary municipalities.