Building up Kosovo’s Skilled Workforce through Vocational Educational Centers

Building up Kosovo’s Skilled Workforce through Vocational Educational Centers

In Kosovo, the lack of vocational professions is appearing more and more challenging. In order to improve the situation, the Integra Project has undertaken efforts to help the Vocational Training Centers (VTCs) in the project’s partner municipalities. In cooperation with the Employment Agency of the Republic of Kosovo, within the framework of this activity, 50 young people were trained in different sectors such as: chefs, hairdressers, electricians, masons, etc, which are expected to be certified in the coming days.

The aim of this project is not only to fill gaps in the labor market, but also to increase the possibility of creating sustainable sources of income for those who participate in the training program. The experience and skills gained during the training will contribute to increasing the skills of employees and improving the professional sector in Kosovo.