The Inspiring Story of Bukurije Xhema—Project Integra
A story about the migration experience of Bukurije Xhema, a woman from Kosovo who faced the challenges of leaving and returning to her homeland. With the support of a grant

Empowering Women in Kosovo: The INTEGRA Project’s Journey towards Skills Development and Economic Independence
The INTEGRA project, in collaboration with the Employment Agency of the Republic of Kosovo (EARK) and the Vocational Training Centers (VTCs), has as its main goal the provision of competences

Building up Kosovo’s Skilled Workforce through Vocational Educational Centers
In Kosovo, the lack of vocational professions is appearing more and more challenging. In order to improve the situation, the Integra Project has undertaken efforts to help the Vocational Training

Wishing kids, a Happy New Year!
The INTEGRA Project team continues with the distribution of packages for children, this time at the “Mother Teresa” Resource Center for Learning and Counseling in Prizren, turning this action into

Citizen Engagement Centre (CEC) – South Mitrovica
Visiting the Citizen Engagement Centre (CEC), in order to monitor the work progress.