First event in Community Engagement Center in Prizren

First event in Community Engagement Center in Prizren

👉On Wednesday, 13th December 2023, at the Community Engagement Center (CEC) in Prizren, women from different communities met to discuss the topic “Domestic violence, prevention of domestic violence and the consequences of violence against children”.

The participants in this meeting emphasized that education and awareness of society in the spirit of respect for human rights and mutual care are the initial steps to prevent domestic violence.

This was the first topic discussed in QAK Prizren, while similar meetings, but with other topics, will be organized in the future. The next meeting will focus on the topic “Applying for grant schemes and starting a business” and will take place on 20.12.2023, starting at 14:30.

We encourage women from all communities living in Prizren and surrounding municipalities to participate in order to expand their knowledge about this topic.

Participation in the activities organized in Prizren CEC is free of charge.