Kick Off Conference

Kick Off Conference

On January 31, 2023, Prizren hosted the Kick Off Conference, in which for the first time was presented the project “Fostering sustainable local reintegration of women and youth returnees and local vulnerable people in Kosovo” also known as INTEGRA. This project was prepared and is being implemented by Foundation for Sustainable Economic Development – PREDA Plus Kosovo in partnership WEntrepreneur Kosovo and with the support of Arbeiter Samariter Bund – ASB. Project INTEGRA is funded through “Perspektive Heimat” or “Perspective Homeland” by German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development – BMZ.

The project: “Fostering sustainable local reintegration of women and youth returnees and local vulnerable people in Kosovo” will be implemented until August 31, 2025. Project INTEGRA aims at social and economic integration in the home country of returnees as well as groups at risk, through capacity building, employment and self-employment, which will enable them to generate income for their families and build their life in Kosovo.

In order to fulfill these objectives, PREDA Plus Kosovo in partnership with WEntrepreneur and with the support of Arbeiter Samariter Bund – ASB will implement project activities in cooperation with 11 municipalities. The partner municipalities in this project are: Drenasi, Graçanica, Istogu, Klina, Lipjani, Malisheva, South Mitrovica, Prizren, Rahoveci, Suhareka and Vushtrria.

Invited to the Kick Off conference were mayors and municipal officials, representatives of the German Embassy in Kosovo, representatives of the Employment Agency of Kosovo, representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, representatives of GIZ and other Project Partners were invited.

About 50 participants in the conference had the opportunity to be informed about the future activities and also the support they can expect from Project, in the future.