Malisheva Municipality on Project Integra

The Municipality of Malisheva and PREDA Plus will support the beneficiaries of the “INTEGRA” project with 2500 euros
Malishevo, January 24
A few days ago, the Mayor of the Municipality of Malisheva, Ekrem Kastrati, signed a memorandum of cooperation with the Foundation for Sustainable Economic Development-PREDA Plus in Kosovo, respectively with the director of the foundation, Valentin Hoxha, for the implementation of the project “INTEGRA – Fostering sustainable local reintegration of women and youth returnees and local vulnerable people in Kosovo”
While, today at the “Informative Days”, with the repatriates of our municipality, the Mayor Kastrati, wished them a warm welcome and a good and successful year, at the same time he expressed to all the repatriates the readiness to support the beneficiaries of the project “INTEGRA”, from our municipality with 300 euros.
The opportunities from the repatriates of our beneficiary municipality can be five people, if the project idea of the business plan is evaluated by the financing organization. The full amount is 2500 euros, where 2100 euros are supported by the winning project from the organization, 100 euros are contributed by the winner of the project and 300 euros are supported by the beneficiary municipalities.
Applicants can be women between the ages of 18-65 and men between 18-35.
The project will support returnees and persons considered vulnerable, for a new start in their country. The project is carried out through Preda Plus and WEntrepreneur and is supported by ASB, financed by the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development.