Calendar of events of the Istog Community Engagement Center
We are inviting repatriated women and other female inhabitants of the Istog Municipality to partake in the activities organized by the CEC. The purpose is to foster and advocate for
Calendar of events of the Prizren Community Engagement Center
We are inviting repatriated women and other female inhabitants of the Prizren Municipality to partake in the activities organized by the CEC. The purpose is to foster and advocate for
Calendar of events of the Malisheva Community Engagement Center
We are inviting repatriated women and other female inhabitants of the Malisheva Municipality to partake in the activities organized by the CEC. The purpose is to foster and advocate for
Calendar of events of the Klina Community Engagement Center
We are inviting repatriated women and other female inhabitants of the Klina Municipality to partake in the activities organized by the CEC. The purpose is to foster and advocate for
Calendar of events of the South Mitrovica Community Engagement Center
We are inviting repatriated women and other female inhabitants from the Municipality of South Mitrovica to partake in the activities organized by the CEC. The purpose is to foster and
Arlinda Hasanaj: Empowering Environmental Action Through Eco-Friendly Tote Bags
Meet Arlinda Hasanaj, a young entrepreneur who is committed to making changes to protect the environment with her work! With help from Project Integra, she made her cool idea come