

ASB is a German aid and welfare organization, engaged in areas such as civil protection, rescue services and social welfare services. As a non-political organization, ASB has, since its foundation in 1888, provided rapid and direct help to all those in need of our support. ASB has been present in South Eastern Europe since 1992 helping internally displaced people, refugees, minorities, people affected by natural and man-made disasters, victims of violence, children and all other people in need of help.


In 2015 PREDA Plus Kosovo was established to further contribute in sustainable economic development process of Western Balkan countries, particularly in Kosovo, as a result of successful accomplished implementation of European Union projects, carried out by PREDA Plus of North Macedonia strengthened by partnering with ASB in Kosovo. The goals of PREDA Plus organization for its branch in the Republic of Kosovo- PREDA Plus Kosovo are to facilitate the initiatives of the civil and private sector; provide a model for development and maintenance; to bring a faster contribution towards the integration of the Republic of Kosovo into the European Union, as part of the Balkan region. PREDA Plus Kosovo and PREDA Plus Foundation have a neutral status with a non-profit character.


“WEntrepreneur” is a Non-Profit and a Non-Governmental Organization, formally registered in April 2014, in accordance with the Law on Freedom of Association in NGOs in Kosovo – 04 / L-57. Since then, has actively campaigned for the competence and capacity building of women entrepreneurs in Kosovo. WEntrepreneur has implemented various initiatives to support business start-ups by women. WEntrepreneur’s area of expertise is closely related to: women in business; young entrepreneurs; Education and training; and human resource management. The target groups of WEntrepreneur are women and young people, but also other civil society organizations that strive to improve the lives of these groups. The main expertise of Wentrepreneur is the development of competencies. WEntrepreneur has experience in the organization and implementation of capacity building activities. So far, has mainly carried out its activities in Kosovo, with a few engagements in Albania and North Macedonia.