“Thyroid gland disorders, symptoms and treatment” – the event in Community Engagement Centers

“Thyroid gland disorders, symptoms and treatment” – the event in Community Engagement Centers

Last week, in the Community Engagement Centers in Prizren -CEC’s, South Mitrovica, Istog, Malishevë and Klinë, was discussed about the thyroid gland diseases, respectively the theme of event was: “Thyroid gland disorders, symptoms and treatment” took place. The event attracted a large number of women interested in this important issue for their health.

The engaged medical expert shared valuable insights on thyroid disorders and discussed the latest treatments and strategies for managing these disorders. Participants learned how to identify key symptoms, including fatigue, sudden weight changes and mood swings – signs that could signal thyroid problems.

During the events, two questions stood out. Commonly asked questions were: “How can I tell if my thyroid is not functioning properly?” and ““What are the latest treatments available?”. The expert addressed this by highlighting the common symptoms to watch for. The expert detailed innovative therapies and strategies to help manage thyroid health effectively.

It was encouraging to see so many women receiving valuable information and knowledge and being empowered with a stronger sense of control over their health.