TV Prizreni on Project Integra

TV Prizreni on Project Integra

Preda Plus in Kosovo in partnership with WEEntrepreneur and with the support of ASB have started the implementation of the project “Encouraging the sustainable reintegration of women and young returnees and vulnerable people in Kosovo” (INTEGRA) in 11 municipalities of Kosovo. In the presentation conference, it was emphasized that this project aims at the social and economic integration in the country of origin of the returnees, as well as groups at risk, creating a perspective for them to stay, through capacity building, employment, self-employment, which will be enable them to generate income for their families and build their lives in Kosovo. Valentin Hoxha, project director presenting all the components of the project, has affirmed that the aim is to alleviate unemployment for repatriates and for those who are at risk of migrating in the near future. While Mihrije Suka, deputy mayor of Suhareka Municipality, has affirmed that this municipality has welcomed this project, and that together with 10 other municipalities will cooperate to support repatriates and others, including women and the youth. Partner municipalities in this project are: Drenasi, Graçanica, Istogu, Klina, Lipjani, Malisheva, South Mitrovica, Prizren, Rahoveci, Suhareka and Vushtrri.